Peter Buchmann
MongoDB Mobile for Flutter with be awesome!
Philippe Parisot
I am worried about vendor lock-in with Firestore (Google Firebase). Firestore already has an awesome package for Flutter that automates syncing and persistence inside Flutter apps but forces us to pay and use their service and hosting. I much rather use open source software like MongoDB with complete portability. <3
Philippe Parisot
I too am interested! Would love to have this and develop a package that automates syncing as well. Would be the most awesome thing ever!
Drew DiPalma
Merged in a post:
Mongodb and flutter
Marv Adepena
Please... mongodb for flutter. Neeed
Drew DiPalma
Merged in a post:
MangoDB with Flutter
Tariq Emad
Can we connect the MangoDB with Flutter .. If yes ,,how we can do this ... Thanks in advance
Drew DiPalma
Hi Alexey – We've started with Java/Swift SDKs, but as the beta progresses we'll be collecting feedback on other languages/platforms folks are interested in seeing support for and we'll track them on this board.
Zlati Pehlivanov
Drew DiPalma: I'm also interested in this. Kinda tired from same old sqlite :)
Andrea Fancinelli
Drew DiPalma: It would be really great, building a client cache with Mongo on Flutter!!